Friday, May 16, 2008

My Favorite Things

Lisa Leonard asked the question on her blog, "What are your favorite things?" It made me stop and think about the good things in life...something I often forget to do. Here are the first things that came to my mind:

~the smell of my 8 month old baby boy

~being too silly for words with my hubby while our baby giggles

~snuggling with my velvet soft mini-doxie schatz

~the feeling i get while singing a worship song when i can feel Jesus smiling down on me

~the realization of a prayer that's been answered

~the sound of my husband's key opening the front door after a long day without him

~sharing a bowl of popcorn with my hubby while watching LOST

~Doc's Java ice cream on a hot day

~having a good long and hard cry every now and then...for some reason i always feel refreshed afterwards

What are your favorite things??


Shelley Blackwell said...

Hi Drea,
fun to catch up on your blog... Noah is such a cutie. Missing good ole Los Osos. Holly said the weather's been amazing. I like your post about your favorite things. It's amazing how easy it is to forget the how good the simple pleasures in life can be. There's a new book out there called "cold tangerines" it's pretty good, a collection of short stories about a young mom's day to day life and how she's learning to see God and take pleasure in the simple joys of day to day life.. for example the joy in eating a "cold tangerine". she talks about how life can pass us by if we keep waiting for_______ whatever it is we may be waiting for in our own life. For me it's our house, I know it's different for everyone but it has been a great reminder to enjoy my "favorite" things now and not when our house is done because if I keep waiting life is going to pass me by. Well anyhow... we'd love to have you down for a visit now or when our windows go in, just let us know the door is always open.

Love to you guys,
the Blackwell's

Linda Z said...

I like lots of your favorite things, too! :) I love it when babies or toddlers fall asleep on you and you can feel their sweet little breath on your neck! I also love nature walks, the smell of vanilla and soft throw blankets.

Rob, Kelly, Bennett, and Elodie said...

Hey girl,
I love: mango/peachy scents, walking on the beach when it's cool out, the feeling of my little guys soft pudgy fingers touching me, the perfect bite, tea in the morning, laughing w/Rob, all things fall (truly fall, like changing leaves, cozy weather, coats and scarves, fires), when Bennett gives kisses or says please & thank you w/out being prompted, really good Middle Eastern food (the best is in Brooklyn), road trips, family time, singing to Jesus.

That was fun, thanks for asking!

Two Cent Sparrow said...

after spending a sun filled day with RJ yesterday I also was thinking about simple peasures and how I often take them for granted. some of my favorite things...belly laughing with friends, surfing with my husband on a sunny day, group worship, swimming in the ocean without a wetsuit, making babies giggle, good sushi, taking walks in the evenings with RJ, a good, long journaling session with the Lord...

...thanks for asking Drea. It's so great to think on these things!

Eli, Mandy & Ava Stewart said...

i love sweating hard on my mtn bike and having dusty legs when i'm done, i love eating a whole mango with a good friend, i love strong, hot coffee in the morning , i love when ava cuddles me, i love laughing so hard with jenny that my belly aches. i love the smell of gardenia. I love pineapple. I love having a good hoodie on when im at the beach on a foggy beach morning.

CoachZ said...

LOST was sick last night!!!

Shelley Blackwell said...

I'm procrastinating right now and came back to this post and realized I didn't even comment on my favorite things. I love a good surf early in the morning, especially here in Mexico without a wetsuit and a big breakfast afterwards. I love the strong coffee Jeremiah makes for me. I love dark chocolate with a good glass of red wine. I love to read in the bathtub. I love taking a nap on the beach. I love kisses from my boys. I love it when Owen and Elias make each other giggle. I love the soft skin glistening blonde peach fuzz on Elias' back. I love it that I can reason with Owen now. I love a good long heart to heart with my huband and the prayer time that follows.